Company profile

Easafric Holdings Limited is a private limited company registered in the republic of Kenya on March 2018. Our company majors in import and wholesale supply of high quality Non Pharmaceuticals- Medical Consumables and Devices; Hospital Furniture, Hospital Linen, Hospital Reagents, Lab & Diagnostic Equipment’s, Dressings and Sutures, Orthopedic items, syringes and cannulas, Gloves and Surgical products. Easafric is located in Nairobi Lavington along Muthangari Road off Gitanga Road.

Our aim is to provide health facilities (Hospitals, Dispensaries, Non-Governmental Organizations, Private agencies and Government institutions) with superior solutions to help them deliver quality health care across Kenya and Africa. We have a dedicated team of employees, youth volunteers and interns that helps us meet our demand. We are a result oriented company driven by humanity, effective service delivery, honesty and integrity.

Our company boasts of its cutting edge experience in the industry. It has played a key role as a national leader in strengthening and integrating public health supply chains, as well as managing an efficient central wholesale and delivery operation. Working with governments, hospitals both private and public as well as retailers.

Easafric has built and operated an agile and cost effective Regional and National supply chain, reducing the cost of products and removing obstacles to timely delivery of products, and strengthening the interconnections with in Country and in-county supply chains. Our focus is to support Kenya’s’ and Africa’s initiative to achieve sustainable development goals on universal health care.

  • The mission.

    To provide health facilities and institutions with superior solutions to help them manage and deliver quality health care to the people.

  • The Vision.

    To be a Competitive, Reliable and Timely Supplier of Quality Non-Pharmaceuticals that exceeds the market demand.

  • The Goals.

    To satisfy customer needs by giving them value for their money

  • The Values.

    Our Values as Easafric Holdings limited include:
    a. Honesty
    b. Integrity
    c. Discipline
    d. Hard work
    e. Dedication

  • Our Objectives.

    a. To touch the lives of the most vulnerable in the society by facilitating access to high quality products through subsidy without compromising on the Quality.
    b. To promote customer satisfaction by ascertaining market response through Monthly surveys with a view of improving on the weak links to our products and our entire supply chain.
    c. To aggressively enhance market base through positive product penetration and amplification with compelling quality that exceeds the market demand.
    d. To surpass sales growth targets, double monthly revenues and contribute to positive economic growth and increase employment prospects for the youth and women.
    e. To Contribute to Sustainable Development Goals on Universal Health Care and Africa’s Agenda 2063 by remaining competitive in the Market.

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